Top 10 Mistakes, A FRESH GRADUATE Commits! Be-aware!!!

Top 10 Mistakes, A FRESH GRADUATE Commits! Be-aware!!!


Most of the candidates about 80 to 90% graduates pass their final examination with some spark of missing the  graduation life but they don’t know that their REAL TEST has just begun. Very few make their steps with perfection according to the demand of situation but due to lacking of career counseling, many of the graduate become wander for sometime and somehow they may face this expression in home, friends and in events:


So, plan fast and good so that you can save your time, degree, passion and of course your love otherwise you should be brave enough to let them go in a bunch. Well,  be aware about 10 common but TOP mistake that graduates commit. Here are those mistake that one should be careful that you must not repeat the same.

Businessman Thinking

1. Not applying for further Studies, Scholarship or Apprentice Programs i.e. Post graduation or Masters, Direct PhD.

2. Becoming Over smart as he or she completed the degree but they don’t know that REAL TRAIL has just BEGUN,  lacking of furnishing CV is also the real cause in not getting good jobs.

3. Expecting too much for job at least for 1 year after passing final examination means most of the graduates waste their whole year  waiting for job but they could have done something else to utilize their time in other useful works.

4. Ignoring importance of (Volunteer) Internships. It is one of the most important aspect for fresh graduates,collect your experience by working anywhere related to your field, surely within 2 years, you will see the reward of your experience or volunteer work.

5. Expecting so high that you will be selected directly in  multi national company with no experience, it is one of the biggest misconception as big employers need experienced & social candidates to serve their company.

6. Thinking of getting married within one year (for girls), 2 years (for boys). It can be funny but it is the truth for Asian Region, plan for your career first so that you may lead a peaceful and constructive life.

7. Missing Career Counseling Session or conferences by thinking it’s just a waste of time. For all those who feel and believe that such sessions are just waste of time, to me, they have wasted their whole careers. Pay proper heed towards career counseling sessions to map your future nicely.

8. Not beginning any small or  part time business until a job is offered. Entrepreneurship is a natural built in software present in every single person, the only issue is to light that spark high with proper risk management. Entrepreneurship is the best solution of killing unemployment.

9. Becoming so nervous for at least two with thought: Don’t know what to do, (smj nai araha kia karu yaaaaaar!) Lacking of Confidence, Leadership and motivational Skills & no planning for future or A,B,C Plans. This is a real problem, having no back up plan causes many fatal errors in career management so best thing to do is to line up your goals and 5 years future planning with at least two or three back up plans.

10. Last but not least, having no practical faith in God and paying no attention to what’s written in sacred book is the main reason of worst conditions because what we seed is what we are going to get in near future. So, give top priority in learning religion with research being neutral, surely you will see your all things  adjusted perfectly. keep praying in good and bad times.

I do remember all the time that

“If you can’t find the opportunity in your society, it is not the fault of that society but it is your mistake that you failed to create opportunities for yourself”

We miss people, things and occasions due to our faults and mistakes, so make it perfect but first plan it best from your behalf.

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