10 ways to boost SELF CONFIDENCE!

10 ways to boost SELF CONFIDENCE! (The most common issue)


Self confidence is one of the promising problem among many people including young and old ones. It is in fact one of the tremendous aspects in discovering new bright ways in personality, milestones,education, professional jobs,etc.  It poses many questions like, “Can I do this myself?, Do I qualify for this or that?, Why I always have to suffer so long…why me?, Can I run this whole project?”.

Majority of people who suffer this chronic issue are victimized due to lack of trust in confessing their inside power and abilities that they possess, which, later causes in inferior complexity, resulting in major cause of lacking of self confidence.


Here, I will discuss some important points which may relief this problem.

1. Do what you want to do, esp. that you feel like you would never do it. Chase your goals. Don’t worry if people demotivate you but never lower your morale. Remember,running after your goals makes you a piece of pearl and legend

2. Old method but still gold: Stand before mirror and speak aloud to boost your potential and confidence, later, use it initially for small group of people.
3. Make your first appearance to initiate in public discussions or forums, provide smart chances to your fellows to get involved in discussions with you. It will boost your interacting power

4. All creatures pay attention to dynamic object. Try to stand for long time on stage and feel the stage to overcome your fear.Use your stage or place wisely, keep changing your position time to time, when you deliver your pitch or presentation.

5. Make your eye contact accurate and moving so that you can maintain your eye contact with many people around you.

Businesspeople standing one after another
7. Use your tone in effective way, it reflects your potential, personality and confidence. Remember, don’t bark, just talk with high and low notes or tones.

8. Make your reflexes of your hands, shoulders and face expression appealing according to need of the condition and topic. They really make sound impact on audience to keep focusing at you.

9. Never shy to express your opinion in public, your shyness sometimes kills your talent. Present your opinion with good examples and reasons

10. Trust your abilities that you possess, keep shining them. All those who told you that you couldn’t do it, show them you have done it!

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