Category Archives: My write ups

Is it facebook or Fakebook?

Is it facebook or Fakebook?
Facebook has deteriorated our life styles and caged our mindsets!



The Cause and Effect

Almost every individual in this global village aged between 12-42 years old struggles between balancing his life in reality and at social media. Somehow, it is true that “Logout is the hardest button to click”.  We sit on the same floor but we remain in other worlds, we share parties and gathering together but we keep on using our cell phones, we visit natural sights and places but rather to feel it we get engaged in taking pictures and sharing them immediately on facebook so that others will come to know so they may either like or ignore. Rather doing something good for people, we get more engaged in colors of self-image or more like selfishness. Relationships, Life Style, Education, Psychology, Physiology and Motivation is badly disturbed by excessive usage of Facebook in recent time.

facebook addiction
80% people confess that excessive usage of facebook impacts on relationships as well. Many couples’ engagements, marriages have been effected or broken due to pretending what are they are not or showing their inner mindset to others. It is also observed in many cases that people really don’t want to prolong with you if you un-friend them in any relationship.

It seems that we have prioritized the facebook more than our personal matters. It is not necessary to share everything on facebook as well as what your friend is up to, causing less love and more hate, less unity and more jealousy. I also learned that many people use facebook to kill time which has significant worth in life which shows that either they are broken, rotten or just free (No vision for life).

Like others, I have been influenced by this flare of facebook in past. In this blog, I have discussed issues, causes, treatment and precaution to keep a good balancing life, discovering yourself and being helpful for others than to ruin it in the trance of facebooking only.


Lessons from the Recent Past

I didn’t come to know about my other skills and instincts which were fading away if I hadn’t limited or abandoned facebook or boycott social media in recent time. Abandoning or less or justified usage of facebook has brought massive results overall in my life. I have learned my lessons and as social responsibility, I would like to share with all to propagate the word.

Well, in order to learn and diagnose why sometimes we are so lethargic and disoriented from actual vision of life, we really have to figure out what is wrong that causing hiatus in our personal and professional development by giving time and commitment to ourselves. I tried to treat and deal with it, started last year where the subject was I and other friends.
“If you can’t control your addiction of facebooking, it will lead you to certain psychological and physiological conditions i.e. personality disorder, low self esteem, complexity, severe health conditions, mood swings, etc”.
Since, I had over burdened routine and life style due to work, job, and friends circle with spending too much time on facebook and other social platforms. Thus, I usually used to say that 24 hours were quite less for me in execution of quality life and work so the solution was either I had to stretch 24 hours to 36 hours or improve my lifestyle.

It is known that in a day, average person spends 3-4 hours/day minimum on social media with or without purpose where keeping conversation in FB Messenger as well as Whatsapp in parallel. Anyways, the burden was so hot that I had to give up temporarily from all social media including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for 1 month. Eventually, here the twist began, the day I left these platforms, the first thing I felt, it was like, “Free from massive burden”, my mind was relaxed and I was able to carry out my tasks, job and other social works more effectively. 24 hours were quite enough for me.


After 1 month observation of abandoning FB, I experienced positive change and I was happy with it but I thought to get connected with social world as one cannot lag behind in this fast moving era. So I activated it again, I was more careful in starting but within weeks, the FB had me again with almost old same routine. I am certain that it must have been happening to many people as facebook is so interactive and vast that it consumes much time.

After struggling with it for a month, I did the same, deactivated it again and this practice kept on going for at least 2 or 3 times. But this whole process left me to understand many things and need of being on social media all the time. It was like massive experience and worth learning for me so if we really want to make words into actions, at least we will have to limit our social platforms, otherwise our words will be just words!
“The usage of facebook without a concrete purpose is similar to taking medication without any direction of doctors, causing massive poison in body, sometimes it is irrecoverable”.


The Diagnosis & Operation


So what was the treatment? The treatment was lying within me; I asked myself few questions that everybody must ask to diagnose the issue:
a) How was my life when I was not using facebook?
b) Am I excessively indulged into FB world? If so, is there any need of it?
c) What’s my purpose or objective of using it? Professional or Business need or Chatting or Cheating.
d) Am I beneficial for the society and people on FB?
e) Do I feel happier to share things on facebook than sharing it in real time with my family and friends?
f) Do I really need to be connected all the time to the facebook or social media?
g) How many true friends I have earned, may be more than 500+ on social media but in reality?
h) Is it necessary to share everything on facebook, If so why?
i) Is it necessary to know everything (Stalking) about our friends by continuously looking into their profiles? If so why?
j) What if I spent same time in swimming, exercise, writing, studying or else, what benefits I could get?
k) What I exactly feel by seeing other successes and achievements, am I becoming victim of low self esteem and inferior complex or learning from them or being more jealous of what they have earned?
l) Do I really care about liking or commenting on friends’ achievements or events or I scroll it down, If so what does it exactly mean to me?
m) With continuous usage of facebook, what recent successes I have made in real world?

The  Treatment & Precautions

There are certain parameters if an individual follows, he may have good control over his routine and can initiate good life style. Also we have to understand that there are people who take advantage from fb in form of setting up business and other forums but in both cases, mediocre and safe usage is essential.

1. If there is no necessary need, uninstall fb from either your cell phones or laptop. Because keeping installed on both platforms engages you for so long. I personally manage my fb works only by laptop, uninstalling from cell phone has focused me to do some productive and good work like drafting this blog 🙂

2. For a common man who uses FB, should limit its usage by keeping hawk eyes on time. 1 hour is far enough in a day if it’s divided in 2 times of checking (morning & night)

3. Unlike and leave all unnecessary pages and group pages, you must be more concerned about yourself and what’s going on in your life. Rather following celebrity, start becoming a celebrity secondly, be the news than to read news.

4. Limit your friends on facebook, add only those to whom you know or trust because the more people you add, more you will be wandering to know. Time is money, use it wisely.

5. Rather poking and stalking into other profiles, focus on your profile, improve and develop in more meaning colors for yourself and for others. Be the helpful tool for society than to be a burden.

6. One of the smart usage of FB is serving others with right causes i.e. education, awareness campaigns, blogging, etc. Do something that gets positive and productive within yourself. Help people around you as it doesn’t need a reason to help anyone.

7. Start planning of virtual business via FB, FB is itself an online and virtual business, many brands have promoted their sales and profits via Fb so why don’t we take advantage of it. Smart brains take maximum advantage from free shops.

8. We must not forget that facebook was designed to connect with loved ones and old friends who are far away not in next room, few steps away or in offices. Care about your personal relations than your social world.
9. It is good to play physical games or sports or gym than to play games on consoles and Apps. Be fit, smart and productive for society.

10. Expand your vision of life, keeping yourself with people who believe in personal leadership, self development and have widened vision of life.

11. And in last, if you feel burdened, stressed and messed up, don’t forget there is always a choice to take a break either isolating or deactivating your FB Account and when you get better, you can activate it. Care about your health first!

Again, it is entirely upon you how you take your life matters seriously. If you are focused to have a good and balanced life, you really need to start thinking about limiting many things in your life for better.



M. Bilal Shaikh

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Top 10 Mistakes, A FRESH GRADUATE Commits! Be-aware!!!

Top 10 Mistakes, A FRESH GRADUATE Commits! Be-aware!!!


Most of the candidates about 80 to 90% graduates pass their final examination with some spark of missing the  graduation life but they don’t know that their REAL TEST has just begun. Very few make their steps with perfection according to the demand of situation but due to lacking of career counseling, many of the graduate become wander for sometime and somehow they may face this expression in home, friends and in events:


So, plan fast and good so that you can save your time, degree, passion and of course your love otherwise you should be brave enough to let them go in a bunch. Well,  be aware about 10 common but TOP mistake that graduates commit. Here are those mistake that one should be careful that you must not repeat the same.

Businessman Thinking

1. Not applying for further Studies, Scholarship or Apprentice Programs i.e. Post graduation or Masters, Direct PhD.

2. Becoming Over smart as he or she completed the degree but they don’t know that REAL TRAIL has just BEGUN,  lacking of furnishing CV is also the real cause in not getting good jobs.

3. Expecting too much for job at least for 1 year after passing final examination means most of the graduates waste their whole year  waiting for job but they could have done something else to utilize their time in other useful works.

4. Ignoring importance of (Volunteer) Internships. It is one of the most important aspect for fresh graduates,collect your experience by working anywhere related to your field, surely within 2 years, you will see the reward of your experience or volunteer work.

5. Expecting so high that you will be selected directly in  multi national company with no experience, it is one of the biggest misconception as big employers need experienced & social candidates to serve their company.

6. Thinking of getting married within one year (for girls), 2 years (for boys). It can be funny but it is the truth for Asian Region, plan for your career first so that you may lead a peaceful and constructive life.

7. Missing Career Counseling Session or conferences by thinking it’s just a waste of time. For all those who feel and believe that such sessions are just waste of time, to me, they have wasted their whole careers. Pay proper heed towards career counseling sessions to map your future nicely.

8. Not beginning any small or  part time business until a job is offered. Entrepreneurship is a natural built in software present in every single person, the only issue is to light that spark high with proper risk management. Entrepreneurship is the best solution of killing unemployment.

9. Becoming so nervous for at least two with thought: Don’t know what to do, (smj nai araha kia karu yaaaaaar!) Lacking of Confidence, Leadership and motivational Skills & no planning for future or A,B,C Plans. This is a real problem, having no back up plan causes many fatal errors in career management so best thing to do is to line up your goals and 5 years future planning with at least two or three back up plans.

10. Last but not least, having no practical faith in God and paying no attention to what’s written in sacred book is the main reason of worst conditions because what we seed is what we are going to get in near future. So, give top priority in learning religion with research being neutral, surely you will see your all things  adjusted perfectly. keep praying in good and bad times.

I do remember all the time that

“If you can’t find the opportunity in your society, it is not the fault of that society but it is your mistake that you failed to create opportunities for yourself”

We miss people, things and occasions due to our faults and mistakes, so make it perfect but first plan it best from your behalf.

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10 ways to boost SELF CONFIDENCE!

10 ways to boost SELF CONFIDENCE! (The most common issue)


Self confidence is one of the promising problem among many people including young and old ones. It is in fact one of the tremendous aspects in discovering new bright ways in personality, milestones,education, professional jobs,etc.  It poses many questions like, “Can I do this myself?, Do I qualify for this or that?, Why I always have to suffer so long…why me?, Can I run this whole project?”.

Majority of people who suffer this chronic issue are victimized due to lack of trust in confessing their inside power and abilities that they possess, which, later causes in inferior complexity, resulting in major cause of lacking of self confidence.


Here, I will discuss some important points which may relief this problem.

1. Do what you want to do, esp. that you feel like you would never do it. Chase your goals. Don’t worry if people demotivate you but never lower your morale. Remember,running after your goals makes you a piece of pearl and legend

2. Old method but still gold: Stand before mirror and speak aloud to boost your potential and confidence, later, use it initially for small group of people.
3. Make your first appearance to initiate in public discussions or forums, provide smart chances to your fellows to get involved in discussions with you. It will boost your interacting power

4. All creatures pay attention to dynamic object. Try to stand for long time on stage and feel the stage to overcome your fear.Use your stage or place wisely, keep changing your position time to time, when you deliver your pitch or presentation.

5. Make your eye contact accurate and moving so that you can maintain your eye contact with many people around you.

Businesspeople standing one after another
7. Use your tone in effective way, it reflects your potential, personality and confidence. Remember, don’t bark, just talk with high and low notes or tones.

8. Make your reflexes of your hands, shoulders and face expression appealing according to need of the condition and topic. They really make sound impact on audience to keep focusing at you.

9. Never shy to express your opinion in public, your shyness sometimes kills your talent. Present your opinion with good examples and reasons

10. Trust your abilities that you possess, keep shining them. All those who told you that you couldn’t do it, show them you have done it!

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