Tag Archives: leadership

10 ways to boost SELF CONFIDENCE!

10 ways to boost SELF CONFIDENCE! (The most common issue)


Self confidence is one of the promising problem among many people including young and old ones. It is in fact one of the tremendous aspects in discovering new bright ways in personality, milestones,education, professional jobs,etc.  It poses many questions like, “Can I do this myself?, Do I qualify for this or that?, Why I always have to suffer so long…why me?, Can I run this whole project?”.

Majority of people who suffer this chronic issue are victimized due to lack of trust in confessing their inside power and abilities that they possess, which, later causes in inferior complexity, resulting in major cause of lacking of self confidence.


Here, I will discuss some important points which may relief this problem.

1. Do what you want to do, esp. that you feel like you would never do it. Chase your goals. Don’t worry if people demotivate you but never lower your morale. Remember,running after your goals makes you a piece of pearl and legend

2. Old method but still gold: Stand before mirror and speak aloud to boost your potential and confidence, later, use it initially for small group of people.
3. Make your first appearance to initiate in public discussions or forums, provide smart chances to your fellows to get involved in discussions with you. It will boost your interacting power

4. All creatures pay attention to dynamic object. Try to stand for long time on stage and feel the stage to overcome your fear.Use your stage or place wisely, keep changing your position time to time, when you deliver your pitch or presentation.

5. Make your eye contact accurate and moving so that you can maintain your eye contact with many people around you.

Businesspeople standing one after another
7. Use your tone in effective way, it reflects your potential, personality and confidence. Remember, don’t bark, just talk with high and low notes or tones.

8. Make your reflexes of your hands, shoulders and face expression appealing according to need of the condition and topic. They really make sound impact on audience to keep focusing at you.

9. Never shy to express your opinion in public, your shyness sometimes kills your talent. Present your opinion with good examples and reasons

10. Trust your abilities that you possess, keep shining them. All those who told you that you couldn’t do it, show them you have done it!

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PART II: Can you be the Motivational/Public Speaker OR Organizational Trainer?(the comprehensive practical Approach)

Earlier, we discussed some emphatic points in renovating anyone to be the key note speaker for Organization or Public Speaking in the post: https://mbilalshaikh.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/can-you-be-the-motivationalpublic-speaker-or-organizational-trainerthe-comprehensive-practical-approcach-part-i/


However, let’s explore additional factors which are concrete enough to mobilize your skills up to the mark and standards. One of the critical skill is ATTENTION CAPTIVATOR. This ability is very important and at high demand able in public or organizational speaking, it reveals how well you really are in grabbing the attention of the masses. Your this skill can really make a great impact in presenting your presentation. Personally, I always feel easy to deliver with my own natural style, tone, with ting or big experiences of common life. I do believe that real life examples impacts a huge impression on the audience to gain their attention. The time you instruct them like school teacher, it may impose some negative points because they are not there to listen their TEACHER again like High School. So, you must present the juice of your experience in such a polite, emotional, soft and jolly way that it does gain the attention with the intention of curiosity. You must have observed that some speakers/trainers use the SUCCESS/MORAL STORIES of different people or themselves, activities and presentations to catch the attention of attendees which somehow is successful expedition but captivating  with your tongue without any help is such a big deal to be unique from others.


It is a fact that GRABBING the attention may be the natural or God-gifted ability but I do believe everyone has it, it is the way you recognize and polish this ability.

Question arises that how can we estimate or build this important factor! Simple answer can be, observe the power of influence you have on the people around you that you may justify by your thoughts, ideas and reasons you deliver. After knowing and understanding your intensity, you can judge your inner abilities to be attention captivator.

In more simple way, You are like the audionic speaker, the way you BEAT is going to impact on the masses to be CONNECTED with you. The time you perfectly CONNECTED with your attendees is the time for you to rise. Attention Captivator is the skill ability that everyone must learn to justify their thoughts in sophisticated way. But during this process, one must care very sound attention on:
Your Content with style of presentation,
Words fluency,
Interesting Examples or Experiences
Guest-er, face expressions

In next post, will discuss the other relevant factors. Do share your response.

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Can you be the Motivational/Public Speaker OR Organizational Trainer?(the comprehensive practical Approcach) PART I

There are so many FAQs in the minds of most of the persons related to becoming the Public or Motivational Speaker or Trainer including organizational trainer/developer. Where some people do treat them like ALIENS they are from different world and so they become more inferior that why they can’t be like them. Here, I will put my best to share the perception, angles, people views and reasons to present the scope with different experiences in relation to our topic. We must know that the 10 basic pillars for concerned SPEAKERS, are:

1. Avoiding Undersestimation

2.Scoping Optimism

3.Be the Leader for all

4.Attention Captivator

5. Words magic

6.Confidence & motivation booster

7.Be the way YOU are/Originality

8. Equip with relevant Information/ Your Content

9. Understanding Public Relations & Masses Moods

10.Pitching/ Presentation skills

Persons, things and conditions are always in the angle how you see and receive the perception, your every single view about observing the situation is crucial. It is a common fact that for every normal situation all people think almost same, the only hiatus comes with the term “UNDER ESTIMATION of ABILITIES”. We generally find -ve power in form of friends or people to demotivate us and somehow once you lack your power of +ve, you  can easily be the victim of these truama. You may understand the point by the example presented below:

“Mind Perception is exactly imagining like TWO BULLS fighting in your mind, where you see them pulling each others mind, where you name them for example, Positive and Negative bull respectively, what is more amazing experience that we all observe is simple the winning! That bull is of course which is related to your mind set mean while the way you think, in the same way, that BULL (either positive or negative)is a winner, so keep thinking POSITIVE.

It clearly depicts the picture that the first step to be LEADING person begins with creating or allowing the wide space for OPTIMISM to shape your personality according to the LEADERSHIP skills, so here, we simply learned the fundamentals of LEADERSHIP. Don’t underestimate your skills and abilities, always find them from your daily routine.

i.e. You lead your younger bro and sis whenever you lead them to their schools, home, or friend’s home. You somehow lead your family in absence of father or mother. You somehow experience the decision making skills when your father asks your opinion and sometimes your decision is the best option they could ever had.


In next post or PART II, I will discuss other FACTORS as well to determine and helping those who want to be our topic’s title.

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